
Incorrect authentication code

Information about the problem

The problem appears as follows: the code from the mobile application of two-factor authentication is not accepted by the authorisation system both on the company's sites and in the EXBO Launcher.

There are many reasons for the occurrence of this problem, here are the most common ones:

  • There is a conflict of time synchronisation between the device and the mobile application;
  • The time on the mobile device is set manually instead of automatically;
  • There are no critical updates and patches for the device operating system.

Below are the possible solutions to this problem. Please follow them step by step.

Correcting the time of code receiving

Perform a correction of the time to receive codes in the mobile app. List of guides:

Setting date and time in automatic mode

Set the date and time on the device using the automatic mode rather than the manual mode.

Rebooting the mobile device

Reboot the device and try again to generate the code and further authorisation.

Updating the operating system

Update the operating system of your mobile device to the latest version and try again.

What to do if the problem persists?

If you are unable to solve the problem on your own, please try to contact our support team. We currently have the following support service departments:

While creating the ticket, please specify which methods have been done previously.


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