
Operating system reset

Resetting Windows 11 operating system

1. Open the Start menu and go to Settings in the Windows 11 operating system.

2. Open the “Windows Update” category and click “Advanced options”.

3. Open the “Recovery” section, which is located in the advanced options.

4. Next to the “Reset this PC” option, click the “Reset PC” button.

5. A new window will appear. Select the file saving option “Remove everything” for a clean installation.

6. Select the “Cloud download” option to download and install the latest version of the system.

7. Familiarise yourself with the selected operating system reset parameters. Click the “Next” button.

8. Familiarise yourself with the effects and notes of a system reset. Press the “Reset” button.

9. Preparations to reset the operating system will begin. Wait until it is completely finished.

10. Perform the initial device setup. After that, the system reset will be completed.

Resetting Windows 10 operating system

1. Open the Start menu and go to Settings in the Windows 10 operating system.

2. The general list of parameter categories opens. Open the “Update & Security” category.

3. The “Update & Security” category sections will appear. Open the “Recovery” section.

4. In the “Restore this PC” subsection, click the “Start” button. (ПРОВЕРИТЬ КНОПАЧКУ)

5. A new window will appear. Select the file saving option “Delete All” for a clean installation.(ПРОВЕРИТЬ КНОПАЧКУ)

6. Select the “Download from Cloud” option to download and install the latest version of the system.(ПРОВЕРИТЬ КНОПАЧКУ)

7. Familiarise yourself with the selected operating system reset parameters. Click the “Next” button.

8. Familiarise yourself with the effects and notes of a system reset. Press the “Reset” button.

9. Preparations to reset the operating system will begin. Wait until it is completely finished.

10. Perform the initial device setup. After that, the system reset will be completed.


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