
Ban for violating clause 4.1.1

Content of clause 4.1.1 of the licence agreement

Clause 4.1.1 of the licence agreement for all platforms has the following interpretation:

4.1. User shall not perform the following actions in relation to the Game: 
4.1.1. Replace or modify Game files, use or design cheats, exploits, game-automation software, bots, hacks, mods, or any unauthorized software designed to modify or interfere with the Game experience.

To read the licence agreements for each platform, click on the links below:

How are these bans issued?

Such bans may be issued by the EXens Anti-Cheat, or by our specialists.

Regardless of who issues the ban, it will always be a permanent one.

In case the ban is issued by our specialist, it will be permanent under any circumstances.

Can this ban be reviewed?

Bans for violating this clause are not reviewed for any reason, even if another person has used the account, as you are responsible for its security.

Attention! Technical support does not accept requests to review such bans.


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