
STALCRAFT: X from 10.07.2024

Table of Contents

Renaming of game entities

We decided to get rid of the names of entities that originated from the original Stalker universe.

Also, as a cosmetic solution, we decided to correct some names and models that our company was not satisfied with.


Old name

New name








Old name

New name

The Cordon


The Dump


The Dark Valley

Black Willows

Rostok Factory

Pervomaisky factory

100 Rads Bar

Drunken Geiger Bar


Kolos Agrocomplex

Army Warehouses








This shows only the main part of the update, which affected the renaming of game entities.

The rest of the renames will be shown here

Change of locations


One of the most serious challenges in game progression was the lack of a clear balance of entities and level design in locations designed for experienced players.

We decided to divide the locations into two regions:

  • South, where all factions can explore the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone;
  • North, where there will be four factions.

After completing the storyline of the South, you will have the option to join one of two factions to access new locations.

Home locations

For each faction, we have prepared their own “Home Locations” where they can exist separately from each other:

Faction Home Location
Mercenaries  Serpentine
Rise  Institute
Frontier  Barrier
Covenant Temple Swamp

These locations are intended for safe farming for players who, for any reason, cannot proceed further into other locations or who want to quickly farm the remaining resources for barter gear.

Compared to other North locations, “Home Locations” have the least amount of resource gain due to the lack of any PvP danger.

From the “Home Location” you can additionally travel to:

  • Disputed locations;
  • Lyubech-3;
  • Labyrinth;
  • Forge-11, during the travel to which from the “home location” the player must have level 3 psy-protection.

Above-ground fraction bases

The Rise and Covenant factions made their own new above-ground bases:

Disputed locations

These are the locations where two opposite factions fight.

We currently have prepared two locations:

  • Mines, where Mercenaries and Rise counter;
  • The Inflow, where Frontier and Covenant counter.

From “disputed locations” you can travel to:

  • Forge-11;
  • Black Detour or Reflection.

Factions headquarters

The “disputed locations” are also home to factions headquarters.

It is a safe zone where players can purchase consumables at a higher price compared to the prices at the northern faction bases.

This place is used for respawning while participating in the “Outpost” activity, as well as for keeping players safe while completing quests.


Forge-11 is the central location of the North, where all the northern factions oppose each other.

The Forge-11 has the most resources to gain, but there is also the biggest risk of losing them. In the centre of Forge-11 there is a Nut building where, if certain conditions are satisfied, the player will be able to safely escape from the location.

From Forge-11 you can reach the Stillwaters location.

Infected areas

For combo and scientist armour, special locations have been created, which now predominantly contain such activities as:

  • Help Scientists;
  • Anomalous Rift;
  • Protanomalies;
  • Signals;
  • Dig up caches.

Also, more valuable artefacts appear in these locations comparing to regular locations.

If you don't feel like playing in scientist armour, but still want to also search for artefacts, you can search for arch-anomalies in other locations that have become more easily accessible to any player.

Currently, there are three Infected areas.

Black Detour and Reflection

These are locations that can be reached from disputed locations.

These locations are predominantly of the third level of thermal infection, and in their central parts there is a fourth level of bio-infection, which allows you to enter them both in scientist and combo armour suits.


This is a unique location, which is, as it is not difficult to guess, a huge labyrinth, built of inexplicably appeared cubes. The resulting corridors were filled with anomalies, mutants and broken souls who never managed to find a way out.

The Labyrinth can be accessed from “home locations”.

This location is covered with level 4 psy and bio-infections, ensuring that only players in scientist armour suits can safely stay.

There is a treasure trove at the Labyrinth location, where there is a chance to find the rarest artefacts in the game. Some stalkers who managed to get out told about the mysterious place, whether they were lying or not is unknown. 

But what we can definitely assure you of is that the treasure trove exists, but getting into it is not easy. Some of the best examples of artefacts that the player will be able to find there are absolutely worth it.

In order to get into it, you need to show wit and a kind of ingenuity.


From now on, there is a truce between the opposing northern factions in the southern locations. For example, Mercenaries will be in alliance with Covenant and Bandits, but not with Frontier, Rise, and Stalkers.

The Drunken Geiger Bar, formerly called the 100 Rads Bar, no longer exists as a safe zone. It is now only a quest location.

The Path of Fools

  • The Paths of Fools underground location and the Covenant base have been removed from the game;
  • The Mercenary base has been relocated to the Serpentine location;
  • Bubbles to the Lyubech-3 location have been removed;
  • Northern faction events have been replaced with Stalkers and Bandits events;
  • In the formed empty spaces, additional events appeared.


  • The Polesskoye underground location and the Rise base have been removed from the game;
  • The Frontier base has been relocated to the Barrier location;
  • Bubbles to the Lyubech-3 location have been removed;
  • Northern faction events have been replaced with Stalkers and Bandits events;
  • In the formed empty spaces, additional events appeared.

The Red Forest and Mines

Locations are removed from the game.



A new force comes into play in the North: the ZIVCAS Corporation, which previously stayed in the shadows. Ambitions and opportunities of this organisation have gone far beyond the research institute… Now it is a corporation, and it even has a private army!

Players will face the ZIVCAS Corporation and its secrets one way or another, but exactly how this clash will take place is unknown to anyone.

Each of the known factions of the Zone got its own storyline, which will lead you into the war for the northern territories and allow you to uncover the plans of the ZIVCAS corporation:

  • Mercenaries — “A Mercenary’s Honor” storyline;
  • Frontier — “When Duty Calls” storyline;
  • Rise — “New Rise” storyline;
  • Covenant — “Sinfulness” storyline.

All story quests contain unique content that will introduce players to new characters and deepen their knowledge of the Zone factions.

The storyline of the North is available as soon as the player enters the base of the Northern faction. The player will not be able to learn the story of another faction, even if the player leaves the faction.

Attention! The North storyline can be completed only once and only for one of the factions. If the player received a quest in Rise, then the plot of the Frontier will be unavailable.

Also, if the player decides to join the opposite faction without passing the storyline of the other faction, it will pause and the player will be able to return to the storyline only when returning to the faction where the storyline began.

Faction entry quest

Entry quests have been removed from the game.

After completing the story and the final dialogue with Condor, joining the faction is unlocked.

Recruiters relocated from the Drunken Geiger Bar to the underground passageways under the bar, which formerly used to be the passageways to the faction bases.

Now they will willingly accept everyone in their ranks, but if the players belonged to a hostile faction, they will have to pay a fine.


  • Previous storyline dungeons have been reworked.
  • Many storyline locations have been modified to adapt to the new character controller system.

Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant

  • The tutorial has been reworked to fit the new character movement system;
  • The time to complete a location has been shortened to increase the pace of the game.

Enemies everywhere

  • Quest marks have been added when the player needs to get out of the Orderlies base;
  • NPCs with shotguns have been placed around so that the player doesn't take unfair damage when respawning;
  • The number of objects has been reduced to make it easier to navigate the location;
  • NPC density has been reduced.

Beast's dungeon

  • Spirits have been removed;
  • Navigation with the help of the environment has been improved.


  • Navigation with the help of the environment has been improved;
  • After the “Nightmare” quest, the player is teleported to the Path of Fools or Polesskoye locations, depending on the faction.


  • The quest has been changed. Now you can take it in the Bar, talking to the faction recruiters who are in the underground passage to the North;
  • Navigation with the help of the environment has been improved;
  • The quest to kill Vagant is now available in the Bar from new NPCs.


  • NPCs' equipment has been weakened;
  • Silenced weapons have been removed for better visibility of shooters;
  • NPC density at the beginning of the dungeon has been reduced.


  • Changed the entry points to the Underpass to the Radar.

Game Mechanics

Redesign of character movement

The main goal of the movement redesign was to transfer everything about the character's interaction with the game world from the outdated controller to the full-fledged new engine.

The entire controller has been redesigned so that the player no longer has to press a lot of buttons and can easily use all the new toolset in any situation.

The player is now available to:

  • Run;
  • Sit;
  • Move;
  • Climb the ladder;
  • Cling to the ledges;
  • Move by clinging to the ledges.

We also updated all animations for players and human NPCs to the reworked controller.

For more visuals and details on the new movement system, check out this article.

Rework of the artefact spawning system

There is now a gradation of artefact spawning, where common artefacts spawn in any area, and valuable artefacts predominantly in arch-anomalies and Infected Zones.

After the eruption, artefacts began to appear more smoothly in the open world.


On disputed locations, an accessible alternative to Air Drops — Outposts — has become available.

This is an activity that will take place every 20 minutes, where players must capture certain points on the map.

Players participating in this activity have the option to respawn at the Headquarters after death to continue participating in the Outposts takeover.

After the event, all participants are sent Quantum Batteries to the mail, depending on their own contribution to the event.

For more information about this mechanic, you can read this article.


An alternative to the usual mutant events has been added to the game — Territories.

These territories are shown on the map by a special zone with the icon of a certain mutant.

As soon as the player enters the territory, mutants of a certain type, which is marked on the map, begin to appear in the specified area.

Players will encounter more powerful mutants when staying in a territory for long periods of time.

The mechanics are designed for those who prefer not to compete for a limited number of events in the North, or who want to obtain mutant resources in a safer environment.

At the moment, the territories are predominantly in Home locations.


To avoid lengthening the patchnote, we decided to write about such great mechanics in a separate article.

After joining a faction, the player has the opportunity to get their own private hideout.

What player can do in the hideout:

  • Create ammo, grenades, plates, medicine, food, and other items;
  • Develop skills for crafting;
  • Freely arrange the furniture;
  • Invite friends.

We've never worked on this type of mechanic before, and Hideout is only coming out in its first iteration.

In the future, we are going to develop the mechanics in different directions, but we need player feedback to get rid of the most critical bugs.


Gathering is the mechanic of obtaining valuable objects from various sources.

For now, gathering is only implemented in the northern locations, but in future updates this mechanic will be brought to the South as well.

All items were divided into ranks:

  • Common,
  • Uncommon,
  • Special,
  • Rare,
  • Exceptional,
  • Legendary.

All new and old items will not only be able to be sold to a fence, but also used in Hideout crafting.

Gathering of items and consumables

A logic for items to appear depending on the decor they are in has been added.

Stashes containing high rank items and consumables have been added to the northern locations.

Gathering of plants

Predominantly, in territories with mutants, harvestable plants appear:

  • Pale-Leaf;
  • Acid Nettle;
  • Water Carrier;
  • Gnosis;
  • Hellroot;
  • Amber Wormwood.

The appearance of certain plants is determined depending on the difficulty of the location.

Anomalous gathering

The following items appear predominantly in Arch-anomalies and Infected zones:

Anomalous plants:

  • Saltweed;
  • Mintfruit;
  • Sweet Tooth;
  • Spiritfruit;
  • Cubemelon;
  • Lemonfruit.

The pulp of anomalous plants can be eaten, giving the player a short-term boost, but the pulp is gone 24 hours after picking.


  • Amara;
  • Emerald Outgrowth;
  • Azure Spike;
  • Purple Fang;
  • Scarlet Root;
  • Golden Root.


Consumables began to appear in signals.

Signals are now divided into three types and give different barter resources:

  • Hunting;
  • Human;
  • Scientist.

Signal categories also appeared:

  • Cheap (15-20 thousand rubles);
  • Advanced (20-25 thousand rubles);
  • Expensive (30-35 thousand rubles).

For more information about the updated signals, you can read in this article.

Announcement Board — Daily Contracts

For the North, all daily contracts were categorised, and a different barter resource was bound to each category:




Red Fern


Substance 07270


Remains of a Psy-Tracker


Gamma Data Fragment


Quantum battery


  • All rewards were recalculated to give a fairer amount of resources for daily quests;
  • In each category, one daily task is available to the player. If it is not done, it is cancelled at the end of the day.
  • The number of premium daily tasks is two. They contain tasks from all categories, but the player can also choose which barter to receive.

Also, there are new daily contacts:

  • Allies defence
  • Collecting items from the dig up caches
  • Parcel delivery from base to point
  • Measures at Home and disputed locations
  • Killing the outpost commander
  • Successfully capture/defend an Outpost

Announcement Board — Weekly Contracts

  • Now, after completing a chain of events, the player receives all kinds of barter resources in modest quantities.
  • The main reward for Weekly Contracts is the Anomalous Serum.
  • One of the weekly contracts is an assignment to complete daily tasks, the other is a quest chain.


The orders have been adapted for the northern locations.

The NPC that gives the player orders has been changed.

For more information about orders, daily and weekly contracts, you can read this article.



The entire ESC button pause menu has been redesigned. It now represents the main centre with the primary social interaction between players:

  • Profile;
  • Friends and squads;
  • Mail;
  • Notifications.

In addition to that, here are located:

  • Session battles;
  • Season pass;
  • Shop;
  • Settings.


The visual style of the profile has been updated;

The ability to pin four items from the stats list has been added, in addition to pinning three achievements;

The ability to hide access to stats and achievements for other players has been added. Pinned stats and achievements are still visible to all players.

Rarity of some achievements has been redesigned so that the “coolness” of the achievement correlates with the difficulty of obtaining it.

Friends and squad

The squad and friends list interface has been combined into one, to make it easier to form squads and interacting with allies.

Squad system has been simplified: now there is no need to create and disband squads. The player can easily move from squad to squad without having to disband/leave the squad, etc.

The indication of cross-faction squads has been made more explicit. Now, a squad will always have a cross-faction status as long as there is at least one player in the squad whose faction is different from the faction of the squad leader.

It is now possible to quickly turn on/off voice chat for yourself and other players in the squad.

The “Recent interactions” list has been added to the friends list. It contains players you have recently interacted with in the world.

Mail screen

Emails are now filtered by:

  • All incoming; 
  • Daily rewards;
  • Auction;
  • From players;
  • Miscellaneous;
  • Outgoing.

It is now possible to pick up mail from any place in the safe zone. You no longer have to stand directly in front of the courier to pick up your mail.

Now, there is always an “Attachment” block in an email, even if there is no money transfer in the letter. It was made to complicate the life of scammers.


  • The visual style of the HUD and the pause menu has been changed;
  • The filtering within the notifications section has been improved;
  • All quest notifications on the PDA that the player received from quest characters are subtitled.

Sessional Battles/Duels/Dead Time

  • The visuals of all modes have been updated;
  • In “Standoffs” and “Duels” modes, buttons have been added to “Refresh List” of available fights; 
  • Also, the “Duels” statistic “Заработано на ставках” has been added.


  • Visuals have been redesigned;
  • Hints added for some items.


  • Visuals have been redesigned;
  • The modified knockdown icon is now only visible to allies in the squad and to teammates in the subdivision.
  • In place of a permanent display for all players, a “Help” system is introduced — the player activates a radio tracker that will display an eye-catching tag for players in the radius.
    This help tag will be seen by all players, allies, and enemies. The “Help” lasts for 60 seconds and disappears. This mechanic has a “recharge time”, which is equal to чему 60 seconds.

Other changes

  • The visuals of the squad HUD have been redesigned
  • Small changes to the visual style of the Courier menu were added, and the “Subject” line in the menu was removed.

In-game Shop redesign

We are happy to present you the updated in-game shop! During the global redesign of interfaces and the development of “socialisation” of the shop, it became more convenient and understandable for users. Now there is less Donate and more Shop in the Donate Shop! Players can purchase items not only for Stalcoins and Stalbucks, but also for Seasonal currency and Coupons. This change was made to eliminate the confusion that occurred when searching for the right merchant for Seasonal Currency.

The Shop is now divided into clearer sections for your convenience:

  • Special offer: Everything delicious, interesting and new. Keep an eye on this page to stay up to date with all discounts and new arrivals.
  • Gear: Weapons, armour and attachments.
  • Cosmetics: Various cosmetic items, paints, styles and more.
  • Cases: Various cases and crates collected in one place for your convenience.
  • Premium: Good old premium, offering many benefits within the game.
  • Other: A section containing various materials, tools, spare parts, and furniture for your Hideout.


Global map

Now, all players will be able to see the entire Zone of our vast gaming universe.

We tried to show on the map a lot of territories that we managed to cover in our game.


On this map, players can see locations of the following types:

  • Standard location;
  • Dangerous location;
  • Wild Location;
  • Clan Conquest locations;
  • Story locations, which become inaccessible to players after passing them.

This is just a first version of the map, and we will try to add more details in the future.


For a deeper look into the big picture of the new faction storyline, we've added the Recorders mechanic.

As players progress through the story, they will be able to find diaries that reveal additional details about our game universe.

Global visual component of locations

The Level-design and Level-art of the North locations have been significantly improved, but the old locations have not been ignored either.

A huge focus has been placed on increasing map details, while getting rid of noisy objects and textures.

Design and structure of locations

  • Special attention was paid to the facilities at the disputed locations. Each object was designed in detail, so that the player's movement in it was convenient and interesting. The metrics of the doors were increased.
  • Hidden places to explore have been added to almost every facility.
  • The whole approach of players movement from bases to the main points of interest has been completely redesigned. The chance that a player will encounter an opposing faction during the entry/exit phase of the location has been greatly reduced.
  • The distances between points of interest are designed so that the player doesn't have to be on the road for too long.
  • Activities and key points of interest in the locations are arranged so that factions have equal access to both PvP and PvE activities.
  • The boundaries of crossings between locations are visually supported by objects (like fences). In this way, the player can better understand the place of passage.
  • The geometry of the northern arch-anomalies has been changed so that travelling through them is comfortable and does not interfere with the PvP component of the game.
  • The number of infections in the usual locations of the North has been significantly reduced. There are now special Infected locations for infections.
  • At each location, areas have been thoughtfully designed for all types of weapons.
  • The anomalies were arranged with special care, so that each of them not only stands in its place, but also sometimes helps the player to move around.
  • The distance to teleporters to Stillwaters and glare to Lyubech-3 has been drastically reduced. Exits from there send directly to the home location of the faction.
  • The barrels in the Greenhorn Village have been moved.

Visual design of locations

New weather editor

The changes to the weather editor are worth mentioning separately. The new editor allowed to expand the possibilities of customisation of lighting, weather phenomena, its zones, and schedules.

  • New lighting! Objects now give shadows from the sun. Adding shadows allowed us to customise the lighting and set different weather phenomena within the same location.
  • Weather regions. Now every corner of the Zone has its own atmosphere that suits its style.
  • Weather event schedules. Dense fog is no longer a permanent setting, but a temporary phenomenon with different frequency and chance of occurrence depending on the weather region.
  • Water has been updated. Reflections have been added to the water, for each type of terrain the water has been adjusted individually.
  • Colours are selected individually for each location.
  • SSAO added. 

Location work

  • New trees. All voxel trees have been replaced with detailed models. Along with them, all vegetation and landscape colouring has been updated.
  • New machinery. All voxel machines have been replaced with detailed models. On the old locations, the vehicles have also been replaced.
  • A new approach to the selection of colour palettes and textures was developed, which allowed to significantly increase the detail of objects.
  • Many textures have been improved.
  • The detailing of building shapes and infill has been increased.

Update of visual style and other names


The following models have been added to the game:

  • ZIVCAS Heavyweight Exoarmor ;

The armoured suits below have had their models updated:

  • CD-4;
  • CD-3а;
  • CD-3b;
  • CD-2;
  • CD-1;
  • Legionnaire;
  • Hoplite;
  • Scout.

The models and names of the following armours have also been updated:

Old name

New name

Oracle’s Berill

Oracle's Combat

Bandit Jacket

Bandit Coat

Berill 5-M Armored Suit

Combat Armored Suit

SKAT-10 Armored Suit

Scythian-5 Armored Suit

SKAT-9b Armored Suit

Scythian-4b Armored Suit

SKAT-9m Armored Suit

Scythian-4 Armored Suit

PSZ-10 Armored Suit

Scythian-2m Armored Suit

Leather Jacket

Stalker Coat

Zarya Jumpsuit

Aurora Jumpsuit

Zarya Jumpsuit with Gas Mask

Aurora Jumpsuit with Gas Mask

Zarya-B Jumpsuit

Aurora-B Jumpsuit

SEVA Jumpsuit

Uranus Jumpsuit

Modified Exoskeleton

Hector Exoskeleton


Samson Exoskeleton

Tourist Jumpsuit

Forager Jumpsuit


The names of some weapons have been updated:

Old name

New name





Gauss Rifle

Gauss Rifle

OTs-14M Shtorm

OTs-14M Hurricane



L85A1 Balance

L85A1 Equalizer


The models of the following containers have been updated:

  • Cocoon;
  • Hive.


  • Ghoul mutant has been given a unique model.

Old name

New name





Blind Dog





Wild Hound










Old name

New name





Space Bubble












Witches’ Jelly


Burnt Fuzz



  • The models of the following artefacts have been updated.

Old name

New name















Golden Gravi

Golden Prima

Stone Flower









Red Crystal

Crystal Thorn

Sticky Burr

Blood Stone


Meat Chunk



Ilyich Lamp

Mama’s Beads

Viburnum Branch





Night Star

White Rose
















Snake Eye








Ice Hedgehog

Steel Kolobok

Steel Hedgehog

Dark Jellyfish

Cursed Rose

Electro Crystal

Spectral Crystal

Black Crystal

Dark Crystal


  • The models of the following consumables have been updated.

Old name

New name

Scientific First-Aid Kit

Lab First-Aid Kit

Army First-Aid Kit

Military First-Aid Kit



1st Class Antirad

Antirad B-191

2nd Class Antirad

Antirad B-292

3rd Class Antirad

Antirad B-393


Arnie Tonic

1st Class Psy-Blockade

Neuron-11 PsyBlock

2nd Class Psy-Blockade

Neuron-22 PsyBlock

3rd Class Psy-Blockade

Neuron-33 PsyBlock

Barter resources

Old name

New name



Dark Lim

Dark Limbo

Balance adjustments

AH suit branch

The AH Armoured suit branch is behind in effectiveness and popularity compared to its counterparts, and will be slightly strengthened because of this.



RAPS AH-6 Nomad

Bullet resistance 188 → 192

Worn AH-6 Nomad

Bullet resistance 164 → 168

RAPS AH-5 Pilgrim

Bullet resistance 146 → 150

Worn AH-5 Pilgrim

Bullet resistance 142 → 146

RAPS AH-4 Raider

Bullet resistance 131 → 133

Worn AH-4 Raider

Bullet resistance 111 → 113

AH-3 Seeker Suit

Bullet resistance 91 → 93

Worn AH-3 Seeker Suit

Bullet resistance 75 → 77

Damaged AH-3 Seeker Suit

Bullet resistance 67 → 69

AH-2 Nomad Suit

Bullet resistance 53 → 55

Worn AH-2 Nomad

Bullet resistance 47 → 48

Damaged AH-2 Nomad

Bullet resistance 40 → 42

AH-1 Drifter Suit

Bullet resistance 34 → 36

Sniper rifles

Some rifles and the Gauss rifle received minor adjustments to improve their usability.



Mosin’s Carbine

Rate of fire 34 → 36

Mosin’s Rifle

Rate of fire 34 → 36

Steyr Scout

Reload time 4 → 3.5

Tactical reload of 3 seconds has been added

Winchester M70

Rate of fire 34 → 36


Rate of fire 34 → 36

Reload time 3.75 → 3.5

Tactical reload 3.15 → 3

Alpine TPG-1

Rate of fire 34 → 36

Reload time 3.75 → 3.5

Tactical reload of 3 seconds has been added


Rate of fire 34 → 36

Reload time 3.75 → 3.5

Tactical reload of 3 seconds has been added


Reload time 4 → 3.75

Tactical reload of 3.25 seconds has been added


Reload time 4 → 3.75

Tactical reload 3.5 → 3.25

MCMillan CS5

Damage and minimum damage 149.5 → 152

Rate of fire 34 → 36

Reload time 4 → 3.5

Tactical reload 3.5 → 3


Rate of fire 34 → 36

Reload time 4 → 3.5

Tactical reload 3.5 → 3

Gauss Rifle

Rate of fire 34 → 36

Reload time 4 → 3.75

Weight 9.5 → 7.5

Other gear changes




Damage 20 → 20.3


Damage 17 → 17.2

Minimum damage 11.5 → 12


Damage 22.5 → 22.8


Damage 22.5 → 22.8

Minimum damage 16 → 16.5


Damage 20 → 20.3


Damage 23.5 → 23.8

Kbk wz. 88 Tantal

Damage 25.7 → 26.1

Worn SIG SG 550

Damage 28.5 → 28.9

Worn L85A1

Damage 27.7 → 28.1

Minimum damage 24 → 25

AN-94 Abakan

Damage 28.6 → 29

Minimum damage 19.6 → 20


Damage 27 → 27.4

Minimum damage 18.6 → 18.8


Damage 38.1 → 38.7

L85A1 Equalizer

Damage 27.3 → 27.7

Minimum damage 22.1 → 22.5


Damage 33.2 → 33.7


Damage 30.3 → 30.7


Damage 33 → 33.5

Minimum damage 28.7 → 29.9


Damage 32.2 → 32.7

Minimum damage 22.2 → 22.4

AN-94 Abakan-M

Damage 30.8 → 31.3

Sig SG 550

Damage 33.6 → 34.1

ALK-22 Firefly

Damage 31.4 → 31.9

Minimum damage 20.8 → 21.7


Damage 36.2 → 36.7

OTs-14M Hurricane

Damage 34.6 → 35.1

Minimum damage 22.3 → 23


Damage 39 → 39.6

Minimum damage 32 → 32.5


Damage 41.1 → 41.5

OTs-14 Groza

Damage 40.4 → 40.6


Damage 40.4 → 43

Minimum damage 27.5 → 28.8

Recoil 0.8 → 0.9

Horizontal recoil 0.19 → 0.2


Damage 36.4 → 36.9


Damage 32.4 → 32.9

FN F2000

Damage 32.2 → 32.7

Steyr AUG A3

Damage 37 → Урон 37.5


Damage 39.8 → 40.4


Damage 37.2 → 37.7

Minimum damage 26.2 → 26.4


Minimum damage 32.3 → 33


Damage 39.8 → 40

Minimum damage 31.6 → 32

FN F2000 Tactical

Damage 36.7 → 37.2

Minimum damage 29.6 → 30

Famas G2 all versions

Damage 34.2 → 34.7


Damage 58 → 56.5

Minimum damage 40.5 → 40  

Recoil increase of 4% per shot starting from the 4th shot added


Name Change
SMG Nut Damage 55.8 → 54.5
10 mm Incendiary Round Penetration 0% → 4%
Flare Grenade Now the strength of the effect only starts to weaken from 4.5 metres onwards
M84, M84 QD Now the strength of the effect only starts to weaken from 6 metres onwards

DSA-58 and MIS-X ATLAS were late to the previous balance edits, but got their well-deserved improvement today.

Name Change

Damage 47.4 → 49

Minimum damage 30.7 → 31.8


Bullet resistance 142 →153
Explosion protection 91 → 101
Laceration protection 88 → 94

Resistance to electricity 638 → 675
Resistance to fire 638 → 675
Resistance to chemicals 638 → 675

Thermal protection 350 → 385
Psy-Emission protection 300 → 385

The hitboxes of visually large armour now better match its appearance.

There will be fewer situations where a player hits the target accurately but does no damage.

We will monitor changes in the effectiveness and popularity of the affected armour and adjust the characteristics and the hitboxes themselves as necessary.

Now have a large hitbox size

Now have an average hitbox size

Apostle Super-Heavy Armoured Suit 

Chieftain Super-Heavy Armoured Suit 

Reiter Super-Heavy Armoured Suit

Granite Super-Heavy Armoured Suit


Bear Exoskeleton

Armored Exoskeleton

Albatross Heavy Assault

Hector Exoskeleton

Centurion Armored Exoskeleton

Vanguard Armored Suit

Mule Exoskeleton

Punisher Armored Suit

Ace Exoskeleton

Peresvet Jumpsuit

JD ZIVCAS 2A Exoarmor 

RAPS AH-6 Nomad

Hounds Exoskeleton

Beast Slayer Exoarmor 

Worn Ace 

Worn Centurion 

Worn Mule 

Worn Beast Slayer

Worn RAPS AH-6 Nomad

Samson Exoskeleton

RAPS Spanner

Trump Exoskeleton

Worn Centurion

Grenadier Exoskeleton

Yorsh Protective Armored Suit

Ratcatcher Exoarmor

RAPS AH-5 Pilgrim

Jaeger Exoarmor

Tonga Jumpsuit

Worn Trump

Worn Samson Exoskeleton

RAPS AH-4 Raider

Magnet Jumpsuit

Worn AH-4 Raider

Morgue's Exoskeleton

Seeker's Exoskeleton

Aborigine Exoskeleton


We now have a new team on staff to work on calculating the economics of our favourite game.

During this year, the economy department is ready to deliver an update that is aimed at improving gameplay and players' lives.

Changing rewards from events

The amount of obtainable barter resources from events in the Swamps and the Roadside belt (Roadside, Kolos Agrocomplex, Scrapyard and Black Willows) has been increased.

The cost of barter recipes that correspond to the above locations has been increased, but the time required to barter equipment for these locations has been reduced in general.

The number of reputation points received for events in the Swamps has been increased. 


All barter recipes were recalculated to better match the intended progression.

Starting at the first level of the Northern faction base, Gamma data fragments will be required for bartering, not Beta data fragments.

Bar recipes have been greatly reduced in price.

Significant price changes


No longer will demand a resource from people for barter, but they will start demanding more of other resources.

Here is an example on the Franchi SPAS-12:

Franchi SPAS-12



Dig up caches












Sniper rifles

No more will demand a resource from mutants for bartering, but will start demanding more of other resources.

In this case, there has been a general decrease in prices, as bartering becomes much cheaper in general at this stage of the game.

Here is an example on the M40A5:




Dig up caches












The number of required Alpha and Beta data fragments for bartering has been significantly reduced.

Here is an example on the AN-94 Abakan:

AN-94 Abakan



Dig up caches












Within their categories, items have been divided by type or by upgradable branch. Each type/branch will require a little more of one resource or another.


Each armour branch will now focus on a different group of resources. For example, the Beast Slayer Exoarmor branch will require more resources from mutants.

The scientist armour branch will focus first on mutants and then on dig up caches and data fragments, while requiring a minimum amount of resources from humans.


The same for melee weapons. As part of the 1st iteration of barter, a branch of hunting knives was created. In the future, there will be 2 more full-fledged branches, which will require more of these or those resources.


The attachments have also been divided into different categories. Depending on the category, an item may require more/fewer of one resource or another.

Bartering silencers will no longer require a resource from mutants at all.

Here is an example on a KAC Style QD silencer:

KAC Style QD silencer



Dig up caches












New barter recipes

Now it will be possible to start upgrading any branch of gear from the first level of the bar.

No longer will you have to return to the Roadside location to make an assault rifle or armour to upgrade another branch.

The following items have received alternative recipes:

  • Winchester M70;
  • Magpul AFG Tactical Grip;
  • KAC Vertical Foregrip Tactical Grip;
  • ANG4 Vertical Grip;
  • Kleshch-2PS Laser Target Designator;
  • Worn Fleece Protective Suit;
  • Worn Hoplite Armored Suit;
  • Worn Falcon Armored Suit;
  • Worn Mockingbird Armored Suit;
  • Worn AH-3 Seeker Suit;
  • Worn MIS-99M Malachite;
  • AN-94 Abakan;
  • AKM;
  • M4A1;
  • Worn L85A1;
  • Worn SIG SG 550;
  • Worn L86A1;
  • Worn M1A;
  • MBC-1;
  • AKML;
  • Hera Arms CC Compensator;
  • Precision Armament M11 Severe Duty 7.62×51;
  • Whirlwind MBC;
  • Spikes Tactical Dynacomp;
  • Diamondhead Compensator;
  • CMMG SV Brake 7.62×51;
  • 3 Port Mini Compensator;
  • LoneWolf Flash Hider;
  • SR-2M Veresk;
  • FN P90;
  • Spectre M4;
  • Worn SVD;
  • Ka-Bar BKR3 Tactical Knife;
  • Beretta 92FS;
  • SW1911;
  • Worn Colt Python.

Trade coins

A recalculation of the trade coins was made.


Current in-game cost

New cost

Alpha Data Fragment



Beta Data Fragment



Northern Moss



Gamma Data Fragment












Change in prices and weight of resources for sale

The prices, weight, and rank of some resources have been adjusted to better match the value of the resource and its weight.

The most valuable resources can now be sold more profitably to a merchant. This will help players to use their carrying weight more efficiently during trips.

Season and season points

Change of seasonal points issuance

Season pass points have been added for the following activities:

  • Deliveries;
  • Signals;
  • Dig up caches;
  • Daily and weekly tasks from the announcement board;
  • Session Battles (Standoffs, Duels, Dead Time, Conquests).

On the Lyubech-3, The Graveyard and The Dead City locations, the drop of sealed seasonal points has been changed to the following percentage:


Change in the drop of sealed seasonal points



The Graveyard and The Dead City


These changes will result in Lyubech-3, The Graveyard and The Dead City fitting more seamlessly into the progression of gaining Season Pass levels.

Daily and weekly season pass challenges

We have removed most of the controversial and annoying challenges for players, focusing on making sure that all tasks can be completed in the open world.


  • Sounds of interaction with all guns have been completely reworked: equipping, taking out, putting away, inspecting, reloading.
  • Sounds of all mutants are completely reworked: sounds in a calm state, aggression towards the enemy, attack, taking damage, death.
  • Sounds of footsteps are completely reworked. There are more sounds, more logical randomisation. There are more surfaces.
  • Sounds of all medicines have been completely reworked.
  • Sounds of all food have been completely reworked.
  • New ambient sounds added to the new north locations, as well as some south locations.
  • New melodies have been added to the map view of the safe zone.
  • Sounds of interaction with things in the inventory have been updated.
  • Sounds of backpack opening and closing have been updated.
  • Phrases of the Archon Zuza radio host have been updated.
  • New guitar tunes have been added. The variety of tunes to play has been increased.

Other changes

The visuals of the Eruption have been updated.

Now, if no equipped armour is present, the player is wearing a jacket, the model of which depends on the player's faction:

  • Stalker Coat — Stalkers, Frontier, Rise
  • Bandit Coat — Bandits, Mercenaries, Covenant

Corrections on issue of long-service awards 2023

On the 10th of July last year, we gave out seniority awards. We found that last year, some players mistakenly missed some or all of their deserved awards by mistake.

To fix this, we will send out the missing items via in-game mail.

We've been working hard on this truly huge update, and we really hope you enjoy it.

Happy Birthday, STALCRAFT!
(c) EXBO Team


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