1.1. The Support Centre is EXBO official tool for providing, free of charge, qualified consulting support to Users on the operation of the games and any other EXBO projects. Unless other information is specified on the website, Support Centre employees are full-fledged employees of EXBO Company.
1.2. The EXBO Support Centre Regulations is a set of rules governing the use of the web resource or support.exbo.net website and its subdomains, as well as the rules of conduct for submitting requests to the EXBO Support Centre (hereinafter the “Support Centre”).
1.3. The Support Centre Regulations are an integral part of the current Licence Agreement. The Licence Agreement may vary depending on the platform. The current Licence Agreement for the Steam platform can be found here.
1.4. By visiting this resource, the User automatically agrees to these rules and undertakes to follow them completely. Ignorance of its clauses does not exempt from responsibility.
1.5. The clauses of this set of Rules apply to all Users, including the User, EXBO Employees, Bots and Systems, EXBO Projects, and so on.
1.6. The EXBO Support Team Management, represented by the Lead Agent, reserves the right to change paragraphs of this set of Regulations at any time with further notice to Users. The notice is a change of date and time on the page of this set of Rules. This notice is located in the top right corner of the page interface.
1.7. EXBO Employees shall not be held liable for any actions performed by the User, even if they are advised. Responsibility lies solely with their performer.
1.8. The severity of the violation and the length of the penalty for committing it shall be determined by EXBO Support Team in accordance with this set of Regulations.
1.9. In case of any disputes regarding the work of the Support employees and service in general, the final decision lies with the Lead Agent.
1.10. In the case of any disputes arising in relation to the work of the Technical Support, the final decision remains with the Lead Support Agent.
1.11. In case a Support Team employee has committed an offence, the User has the right to file a complaint against him/her by sending an email to complaints@exbo.net. The complaint will be considered by the Support Management within 30 business days from the date of its receipt.
1.12. The penalty for violating clause(s) of this set of Regulations is the blocking of the functionality of the Support Centre (hereinafter "Ban"). The blocking may be for a specified period of time or for a permanent (perpetual) period.
1.13. The Support employees have the right not to warn User in writing and/or orally about the application of any kind of restrictions to their Account, including the EXBO Account, due to User's violation of clause(s) of this set of Regulations.
1.14. Management of Support Team, represented by the Lead Agent and/or Senior Agents, reserves the exclusive right to adjust the terms of the applicable restrictions at its sole discretion.
1.15. In case of multiple violations of this set of Regulations, the penalties are cumulated.
2.1. EXBO employees have the right to issue a penalty for a detected violation from the moderated platforms of official resources.
2.2. The following platforms are under moderation of the Support Centre:
● EXBO Company Support Centre in its entirety;
● Tickets to the Support Centre created using the functionality.
2.3. Private messages between Users on any resource are not within the moderation area.
3.1. It is prohibited to post messages, descriptions, images, audio, video and similar materials that fall under the prohibition under the laws of The Republic of Kazakhstan. Including:
a) information on illegal and/or narcotic substances;
b) information about fascism and/or nationalist movements;
c) information about, and references to, prohibited organisations;
d) threats of any kind of reprisal in real life;
e) other kind of information prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
Penalty: 7–30 days ban/permanent ban.
3.2. It is prohibited to insult anyone and/or use abundant profanity, including in a veiled format, to post provocations, and to use derogatory nicknames and insults based on race, nationality, religion, gender, or any other grounds.
Penalty: 7–30 days ban/permanent ban.
3.3. It is prohibited to spam, to off-topic, to flood, i.e. to send one-type tickets and messages with irrelevant and meaningless information, as well as messages written in translit style.
Penalty: 7–30 days ban/permanent ban.
3.4. It is prohibited to create the same or similar tickets in order to get a different answer from the Support and/or Game Security Departments.
Penalty: 7–30 days ban/permanent ban.
3.5. It is prohibited to create and/or send messages that are of an advertising nature of any kind or that contain links to unverified, malicious and/or suspicious sites.
Penalty: 7–30 days ban/permanent ban.
3.6. It is prohibited to behave in a disrespectful and/or insulting manner to the staff members of the Support and/or Game Security Departments.
Penalty: 7–30 days ban/permanent ban.
3.7. It is prohibited to publish tickets and/or messages containing the following:
a) pornographic or erotic materials;
b) materials containing an abrupt change of colour;
c) shocking or inappropriate content;
d) excessive loudness of the sound;
e) links to material of this kind in any form;
f) other types of inappropriate information.
Penalty: 7–30 days ban/permanent ban.
3.8. It is prohibited to mislead and/or deceive, regardless of the circumstances, the employees of the Support and/or Game Security Departments.
Penalty: 7–30 days ban/permanent ban.
3.9. It is prohibited to impersonate another User and/or Employee of EXBO Company.
Penalty: 7–30 days ban/permanent ban.
3.10. It is prohibited to publish any political slogans, agitations, statements or similar.
Penalty: 7–30 days ban/permanent ban.
3.11. It is forbidden to hide and/or refuse to provide information regardless of the reason about any vulnerabilities, violations and bugs, including in the game, on the sites and/or other resources of the EXBO Company.
Penalty: 7–30 days ban/permanent ban.
4.1. It is prohibited to bypass the ban by creating and/or using another Account.
Penalty: permanent ban of the second Account.
4.2. It is prohibited to abuse the functionality of the Support Centre.
Penalty: 7–30 days ban/permanent ban.