
Information about the North map


The new North map. It's bigger. More awesome. More beautiful. 

Forget about corridor locations, the unfairness of faction distribution, and the perfect camping locations.

Of course, we all have our own reasons to love the old North. The basis of how it looks now first appeared 5 years ago.

And there were no significant changes before. But now the time for the great changes has come.

As with many other new features of the Day X, it is something that will change the game experience for the best, will fix a lot of issues, and will create the basis for the future improvement of the game process.

Domestic locations

We prepared “domestic locations” for each faction to stand apart from each other:

Faction Domestic location
Mercenary Serpentine
Rise Institute
Frontier Barrier
Covenant Temple Swamp

Let's have a closer look.

In the middle of every “domestic location” there is a faction base.

Rise and Covenant members, you must be happy now, cause no more hiding underground! Your bases have been transported to the surface.

In the middle of every “domestic location”, there is a faction base.

These locations are made, so the players can farm the resources safely, in case they can't move forward to other locations or want to finish farming barter resources faster.

There are much fewer resources in compared to, compared to other North locations, due to the little PvP danger.

From the “domestic locations” you can go to:

  • Disputed locations;
  • Lyubech-3;
  • Labyrinth;
  • Forge-11, but when going there from domestic location, the player should have level 3 psy-emission protection.

Disputed locations

These are locations for the fights between the enemy factions. Currently, there are two of them:

  • Mines for the fights between the Mercenaries and the Rise;
  • Inflow for the fights between Frontier and Covenant.

The amount of resources here is much higher, compared to «domestic locations», but it is also more dangerous. Apart from the players and NPC of the enemy faction, there is also a high concentration of mutants at the outskirts and well-equipped ZIVCAS corporate mercenaries at the center of the location against you.

Let's have a closer look at what is there on the disputed locations.

At the center of the Inflow and the Mines, there are big industrial parks. These are densely built and have a great amount of arch-anomalies inside, and thanks to that the player has a great variation of creating a strategy against players of the enemy faction.

You can find “infected areas” closer to the top and bottom edges of the location. These are small areas with an incredible number of anomalies per square meter, they are created for collecting new resources and artifacts. Of course, you'll need a high level of infection protection, so be careful!

Faction headquarters

There are also Faction headquarters in the “disputed locations”.

This is the safe zone, where the players can purchase the consumables, yet the price is higher than on the North bases.

It is a respawn spot for the “Outpost” activity and a safe place for the players, doing quests.

From the «disputed locations» you can go to:

  • Domestic locations;
  • Forge-11;
  • Black Detour or Reflection.


The North's central location, where all the factions fight with each other.

The biggest amount of resources is farmed in the Forge-11, but it is also very easy to lose them here.

It's hard not to notice that the Forge-11 is the biggest location in the new North. Let's take a proper look at what interesting it has inside.

As we can see, the locations have buildings all the way around and scary «something» in the middle.

These buildings – are military depots, urban buildings, and factories. Huge, massive buildings bottom to top filled with dangerous mutants and ZIVCAS corporate mercenaries. Don't worry, anomalies lovers, you're not forgotten, and in addition to all the mentioned above, the buildings are also teeming with all types of anomalies.

Now let's move on to the Forge-11 centre — the Nut.

It is a huge research center, surrounded by mountains on all four sides. Also, there are plenty of arch-anomalies at the entrance, and assaulting the building is a tough challenge even for the most experienced Zone researchers.

In the centre of the building, players will be able to find a safe way out of the location, but activating it is not so easy. It requires a special map, which is rumored to be available only to officers of the Zivcas Corporation.

From the Forge-11 you can go to:

  • Domestic locations;
  • Disputed locations;
  • Stillwater.

Infected areas

There are special locations for combo and scientist armors, where predominantly located such activities as: 

  • Help scientists;
  • Anomalous rift;
  • Protoanomalies;
  • Signals;
  • Stashes.

The artifacts found there are more valuable than the ones found in other locations.

Currently, there are three locations of this kind:

Black Detour and Reflection

These locations have level 2 and 3 of infections and are comfortable for combo and scientist armor. 

The top and the bottom parts of the locations are the scorched earth, covered with Lighters and high temperature.

Closer to the center the location's vibe changes with plants and flowers. Not only them, of course. There are also bio-infection gravitational and electrophysical anomalies. The sights of the burned village transition into the ones of mysterious bunkers.


This is a unique location representing, as you could guess, a labyrinth made of came-of-nowhere cubes. Its corridors are filled with anomalies, mutants and broken souls, that didn't manage to find their way out. 

This location has level 4 of Psy and Bio Infection, thus the safe exploring is available only for players in Scientist suits.

But fancy landscapes aren't the Labyrinth's only interesting feature. Some stalkers, that managed to escape it, talked about seeing the mysterious treasure trove. Whether they were telling the truth or not – we don't know.

What do we know for sure – the treasure trove is real. Getting there is difficult, yet the most valuable artifacts that can be found there are totally worth it.


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