
Windows key combinations


List of Windows key combinations

Windows operating system by default has a function of hotkeys for quick and useful actions. This list shows some combinations of such keys.
  • Shift + Delete combination — permanently deletes the file(s), bypassing the Recycle Bin.
  • Win + V combination — opens the operating system clipboard history.
  • Win + ; combination — opens the emoji panel to add them to the text.
  • Win + G combination — opens the game overlay with various functions.
  • Win + PrtSc combination — creates and saves a screenshot of your monitor screen.
  • Win + Shift + S combination — allows you to take a screenshot of the required area of the screen.
  • Win + D combination — allows you to instantly minimise all open windows and applications.
  • Win + L combination — locks the device while keeping open applications.

This list will be updated as new key combinations for Windows become available.


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